Selangor Turf Club to relocate

KUALA LUMPUR,  24 November 2003

The Selangor Turf Club (SLTC) intends to relocate from its present premises at Sungei Besi.

The intention was made known in an advertisement placed by the SLTC in newspapers here today.

In it, the SLTC invites interested parties "to submit their proposals for this relocation stating the location of the new site in the State of Selangor, the facilities to be constructed with estimates of cost of construction including land, design and specifications for consideration by the Committee of the Selangor Turf Club and the project consultant".

The tender brief comprising specific terms and conditions, a plan of the Club’s property and copies of the title deeds of the Club’s property are available for collection from the SLTC project consultant.

As an indication of serious intent, the SLTC requests that "a deposit of a bank draft or banker’s guarantee of RM1 million must accompany the proposals as earnest money made out in favour of "Selangor Turf Club". The earnest money will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers within six weeks of the closure of tenders which is 23 December 2003.

It is not immediately known why the committee of the SLTC made the decision to relocate, having just moved into its current premises ten years ago, with the official opening in April 1994.

It is a well known fact, however, that the SLTC has been plagued by numerous problems with its main track since moving to Sungei Besi from the Jalan Ampang racecourse. The old site is now occupied by the Kuala Lumpur City Centre, in which the Petronas Twin Tower is situated.