Yashaiya Ahmad takes a break

KUALA LUMPUR,  10 April 2005

Yashaiya Ahmad with the Singapore Gold Cup trophies in 1994.
Yet another trainer is taking a break, which does not augur well for racing in Malaysia at the present moment.

Sungei Besi based trainer Yashaiya Ahmad has shut down his stables since the beginning of this month and taking a six-month break. "I'm trying to get new blood into the racing industry", said of the 56-year-old who has no entry for the current meeting at his home base.

Yashaiya joins a seemingly growing list of trainers taking a break from racing.

Bonny Ng has yet to resume training after a six-month break last year. Lam Mun Chiew is currently on a six-month break and American John Brink is about to start his time-off.

Even Marinus van Breukelen, champion trainer for the past two seasons, is reportedly contemplating taking a break, which must worry the authorities.

Yashaiya, who was assistant to his father Ahmad Samad for many years before setting up his own stables, and got his career off to a great start in 1994 when he won the Singapore Gold Cup with LEE'S BID after only five months "on the job".

After that promising start, however, he has faded out of the limelight.