Mohamad Fauzi (S Fauzi) was
today disqualified 12 months for returning a positive urine test last month.
The apprentice’s urine sample taken on Oct 26 during the Penang Turf Club
October/November meeting revealed the presence of “Ketamine and
Metabolites”, a prohibited substance under the MRA Rules.
The Stewards conducted an inquiry into the above matter at the Perak Turf
Club today and evidence was taken from Fauzi, in the presence of his master,
trainer Kevin Coetzee.
After considering all the evidence, Fauzi, in the presence of his master,
pleaded guilty to a charge under MRA Rule 136(3)(b). He was suspended for a
period of twelve months with immediate effect from today and to expire on
Nov 13 next year, both days inclusive. He was advised of his right of
Fauzi was advised that he would not be able to resume trackwork until a
sample submitted by him had been passed clear by the laboratory.  |