Syce Choo Khay Sing and
trainer Ng Kok Hoong failed in their respective appeals which were heard
Choo was disqualified three years for contravention of MRA Rule 133(1)(m)(a)&(b)
[as punishable under MRA Rule 21(4)] imposed by the Stipendiary Stewards in
connection with the seizure of items from trainer NG Kok Hoong’s stables at
the Perak Turf Club on June 18, 2008.
The Perak Turf Club Racing Stewards heard the above appeal today.
After considering submissions from Choo and the Deputy Chief Stipendiary
Steward, and after considering all the evidence, the Racing Stewards
dismissed the appeal and the disqualification of three years was confirmed
to commence with effect from June 18, 2008 and to expire on June 17, 2011,
both days inclusive. Choo’s deposit was forfeited.
Ng was fined RM50,000 for contravention of MRA Rule 33(2) [as punishable
under MRA Rule 21(4)] imposed by the Stipendiary Stewards in connection with
the seizure of items from his stables at the Perak Turf Club on June 18,
The Perak Turf Club Racing Stewards also heard the above appeal today.
After considering submissions from Ng and the Deputy Chief Stipendiary
Steward, and after considering all the evidence, the Racing Stewards
dismissed the appeal. Ng’s deposit was forfeited.  |