Assistant trainer Wee Mung
Hua has been disqualified one year over an incident involving an umbrella at
the terrace outside the Owner’s Box at the Selangor Turf Club on Dec 6,
The Stewards concluded an inquiry into the above matter today at the
Selangor Turf Club and evidence was taken from Wee.
Wee was then found guilty of a charge under MRA Rule 133(1)(j) as punishable
under MRA Rule 133(1) in that at about 5:15pm on Dec 6, 2008 at the covered
terrace outside the Owner’s Box at the Selangor Turf Club before the start
of Race 9, through the agency of one Azmi bin Senawi, he gave barrier
instructions to a jockey or jockeys to wit by the said Azmi bin Senawi,
opening an umbrella in the direction of the starting stall gates, the effect
of which may have prevented a horse or horses from winning of obtaining the
best possible placing.
Wee Mung Hua was also found guilty of a charge under MRA Rule 152(2)&(3)(a)
as punishable under MRA Rule 21(1)&(4) in that at about 5:15pm on Dec 6,
2008 at the covered terrace outside the Owner’s Box at the Selangor Turf
Club before the start of Race 9, he acted in a manner to wit through the
agency of one Azmi bin Senawi, gave barrier instructions to a jockey or
jockeys to wit by the said Azmi bin Senawi, opening an umbrella in the
direction of the starting stall gates, the effect of which may have
prevented a horse or horses from winning or obtaining the best possible
placing, which in the opinion of the Stipendiary Stewards may be prejudicial
to the integrity, proper conduct or good reputation of horse racing in
Malaysia and Singapore.
When deciding on the penalty, the Stewards took into consideration his
non-guilty plea and his clean record. Wee was disqualified for a period of
one year for each charge with immediate effect from today and to expire on
March 16, 2010, both days inclusive, to be served concurrently. He was
advised of his right of appeal.  |