Chong's disqualification and fine lifted

SINGAPORE,  April 30, 2010

Singapore Turf Club's race meeting stewards have directed the stipendiary stewards to re-hear the case of jockey David Chong who was earlier disqualified two years and fined S$50,000 for his handling of POWERFL RULER in Maiden - 1400m sprint at Kranji here on Feb 16.

This decision was taken after considering submissions on points of law from Chong’s legal counsel and the Stipendiary Stewards’ legal counsel. The race meeting stewards, pursuant to their powers under MRA Rule 149(1)(d), directed the Stipendiary Stewards to re-hear the case de-novo. As such, the disqualification and fine against Chong was lifted. Chong’s deposit was refunded. The rehearing will be convened at a date to be fixed.